
Improved Control of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic and Energy Storage System Based on Virtual Resistance
Document Type
2023 IEEE 2nd International Power Electronics and Application Symposium (PEAS) Power Electronics and Application Symposium (PEAS), 2023 IEEE 2nd International. :506-511 Nov, 2023
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Photovoltaic systems
Analytical models
Power system stability
Harmonic analysis
Stability analysis
Energy storage
photovoltaic and energy storage system (PV&ES)
impedance modeling
weak grid
frequency coupling
In practical applications, the photovoltaic and energy storage (PV&ES) system can reduce grid-connected power fluctuations and help solve the problems caused by the large amount of distributed photovoltaic generation connected to the grid. However, the presence of non-ideal factors such as rich voltage harmonics and large grid impedance in the grid may lead to the destabilization of the PV&ES system, so analyzing the stability of the PV&ES system under complex grid is needed. The emphasis of this paper is on the modeling and stability analysis of the PV&ES system. The accurate model is established by using the harmonic linearization, and stability analysis under different grid impedances is carried out using impedance analysis. As proved, the PV&ES system has better stability under weak grid, but poor stability under strong grid with lower phase margin. Based on this, a virtual resistance-based method for improving the PV&ES system output impedance characteristics is proposed to achieve better stability under different grid impedance conditions. The validity and feasibility of the above analysis are confirmed through simulation of three-phase grid-connected inverters prototype.