
Reward Mechanism Design for Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Microgrid Energy Management
Document Type
2023 6th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Power Engineering (REPE) Renewable Energy and Power Engineering (REPE), 2023 6th International Conference on. :201-205 Sep, 2023
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Legged locomotion
Renewable energy sources
Power engineering
Deep reinforcement learning
Energy management systems
deep reinforcement learning
microgrid energy management
reward mechanism
cliff walking pattern
Leduc poker pattern
Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), with its data-driven nature and model-free advantage, has attracted great interest in the field of microgrid energy management system. The choice of reward mechanism plays a crucial role in the performance and effectiveness of DRL-based microgrid energy management. This paper aims to investigate the reward mechanism design by comparing the performances of DRL-based microgrid energy management under two different reward mechanisms, namely, cliff walking pattern and Leduc poker pattern. The reward mechanism incorporates auxiliary rewards alongside the primary reward to harmonize diverse objectives. Using a real microgrid dataset, the performance of DRL agents under different reward mechanisms are compared. The experimental results demonstrate that different reward mechanisms have a significant impact on the convergence speed and generalization ability of trained microgrid energy management policy.