
Experimental Study on the Impact of Measuring Distance on Infrared Temperature Measurement Accuracy in Low-Temperature Environments
Document Type
2024 IEEE 4th International Conference on Power, Electronics and Computer Applications (ICPECA) Power, Electronics and Computer Applications (ICPECA), 2024 IEEE 4th International Conference on. :1396-1400 Jan, 2024
Computing and Processing
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
Temperature measurement
Temperature distribution
Power measurement
Infrared heating
Measurement uncertainty
infrared temperature measurement
ambient temperature
temperature measurement distance
function fitting
Infrared temperature measurement is an important method for live detection of power equipment. The ambient temperature and temperature measurement distance are the main factors that affect the accuracy of infrared temperature measurement. In order to study the impact of temperature measurement distance on the accuracy of infrared temperature measurement in low temperature environments, this article collected temperature data within a distance of 20m at intervals of 2m at laboratory room temperature and outdoor low temperature environments. Through function fitting, the changing relationship between measured values and true values at different distances is analyzed. The experimental results show that compared with room temperature environment, the infrared temperature measurement value in outdoor low temperature environment decreases more and faster as the distance increases. A smaller temperature measurement distance can produce larger errors in the infrared temperature measurement results. Unlike the absolute temperature value, the temperature difference is relatively less affected by the ambient temperature, and its maximum error is 1.1°C within a range of 20m. Therefore, using relative temperature difference as the judgment criterion when carrying out long-distance infrared temperature measurement in low-temperature environments will be more conducive to the judgment of heating defects.