
DeepCluE: Enhanced Deep Clustering via Multi-Layer Ensembles in Neural Networks
Document Type
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence IEEE Trans. Emerg. Top. Comput. Intell. Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 8(2):1582-1594 Apr, 2024
Computing and Processing
Self-supervised learning
Feature extraction
Clustering methods
Computational intelligence
Data augmentation
Clustering algorithms
Deep clustering
ensemble clustering
image clustering
deep neural network
contrastive learning
Deep clustering has recently emerged as a promising technique for complex data clustering. Despite the considerable progress, previous deep clustering works mostly build or learn the final clustering by only utilizing a single layer of representation, e.g., by performing the $K$-means clustering on the last fully-connected layer or by associating some clustering loss to a specific layer, which neglect the possibilities of jointly leveraging multi-layer representations for enhancing the deep clustering performance. In view of this, this paper presents a Deep Clu stering via E nsembles (DeepCluE) approach, which bridges the gap between deep clustering and ensemble clustering by harnessing the power of multiple layers in deep neural networks. In particular, we utilize a weight-sharing convolutional neural network as the backbone, which is trained with both the instance-level contrastive learning (via an instance projector) and the cluster-level contrastive learning (via a cluster projector) in an unsupervised manner. Thereafter, multiple layers of feature representations are extracted from the trained network, upon which an off-the-shelf ensemble clustering process is conducted. Specifically, a set of diversified base clusterings are generated from the multi-layer representations via a highly efficient clusterer. Then the reliability of clusters in multiple base clusterings is automatically estimated by exploiting an entropy-based criterion, based on which the set of base clusterings are further formulated into a weighted-cluster bipartite graph. By partitioning this bipartite graph via transfer cut, the final consensus clustering can be obtained. Experimental results on six image datasets confirm the advantages of DeepCluE over the state-of-the-art deep clustering approaches.