
Socially-aware Collaborative Defense System against Bit-Flip Attack in Social Internet of Things and Its Online Assignment Optimization
Document Type
2022 International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN) Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), 2022 International Conference on. :1-10 Jul, 2022
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Computing and Processing
Image synthesis
Neural networks
Random access memory
Inference algorithms
Computer crashes
Convolutional neural network
bit-flip attack
attack detection
social internet-of-things network
A powerful Bit-Flip Attack (BFA), based on Row Hammer Attack (RHA), can precisely flip the most vulnerable bits in the memory system (i.e., DRAM) to crash Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) run on Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices. However, it is very difficult to detect BFA since most devices are usually with limited computation capability and unaware of the security issue. Therefore, BFA becomes one of the most crucial threats to IoT networks. To this end, we design a novel defense system termed Resilient Dual-mode Defense System (RIDES) to encourage IoT devices with social relationships (i.e., Social IoT (SIoT)) to collaborate on BFA detection in an online manner. Subsequently, a new online problem, Online Computing Unit Assignment Problem (OMAR), is formulated to optimize the total inference rate for detecting BFA. To address OMAR's challenges, we present an online algorithm, Socially-aware Checker Assign-ment Algorithm (SCAN), to achieve the optimal competitive ratio. Extensive experiment and simulation results manifest that RIDES effectively detects BFA and in average, SCAN increases the total inference rate by 8%-515% and reduces the average overhead per image by 31%-55% compared with other solutions.