
Beam test of a superconducting cavity for the Fermilab high-brightness electron photo-injector
Document Type
Proceedings of the 1999 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.99CH36366) Particle accelerator conference Particle Accelerator Conference, 1999. Proceedings of the 1999. 2:992-994 vol.2 1999
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
Nuclear Engineering
Robotics and Control Systems
Electron beams
Radio frequency
Electron emission
Test facilities
Linear particle accelerator
Research and development
Particle beams
Life estimation
An electron photo-injector facility has been constructed at Fermilab for the purpose of providing a 14-18 MeV electron beam with high charge per bunch (8 nC), short bunch length (1 mm RMS), and small transverse emittance. The facility was used to commission a second-generation photo-cathode RF gun for the TESLA Test Facility (TTF) Linac at DESY; in the future, the Fermilab electron beam will be used for R and D in bunch length compression, beam diagnostics, and new acceleration techniques. Acceleration beyond 4 MeV is provided by a 9-cell superconducting cavity. The cavity also provides a longitudinal position-momentum correlation for subsequent bunch length compression. We report on the RF tests and a first beam test of this cavity.