
Emerging Security Mechanisms for Medical Cyber Physical Systems
Document Type
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biol. and Bioinf. Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, IEEE/ACM Transactions on. 13(3):401-416 Jun, 2016
Computing and Processing
Cloud computing
Medical services
Elliptic curve cryptography
Medical cyber physical systems
medical data privacy
homomorphic encryption
attribute-based encryption
The following decade will witness a surge in remote health-monitoring systems that are based on body-worn monitoring devices. These Medical Cyber Physical Systems (MCPS) will be capable of transmitting the acquired data to a private or public cloud for storage and processing. Machine learning algorithms running in the cloud and processing this data can provide decision support to healthcare professionals. There is no doubt that the security and privacy of the medical data is one of the most important concerns in designing an MCPS. In this paper, we depict the general architecture of an MCPS consisting of four layers: data acquisition, data aggregation, cloud processing, and action. Due to the differences in hardware and communication capabilities of each layer, different encryption schemes must be used to guarantee data privacy within that layer. We survey conventional and emerging encryption schemes based on their ability to provide secure storage, data sharing, and secure computation. Our detailed experimental evaluation of each scheme shows that while the emerging encryption schemes enable exciting new features such as secure sharing and secure computation, they introduce several orders-of-magnitude computational and storage overhead. We conclude our paper by outlining future research directions to improve the usability of the emerging encryption schemes in an MCPS.