
Optical Pulses Propagating within SNAP Microresonators on the Surface of Optical Fibers
Document Type
2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC) Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), 2019 Conference on. :1-1 Jun, 2019
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Computing and Processing
Engineering Profession
Optical pulses
Optical fibers
Optical fiber devices
Whispering gallery modes
Pulse measurements
Wavelength measurement
Among the various types of microresonators, cylindrical microresonators based on optical fibers turned out to be a promising object for future applications. It was shown that the manufacturing accuracy of standard telecommunication optical fibers and the quality of their surface are high enough to excite high-quality whispering gallery (WGM) modes in their cladding [1]. Microresonators of this type are distinguished by low cost and reliability at a sufficiently high quality factor. In addition, the ability to control the WGM propagation along the fiber axis by introducing controlled radius variations allows creating fundamentally new photonic devices based on microresonators, such as delay lines [2], optical fluid devices, or others [3]. Here we study the features of the propagation of optical pulses within whispering gallery modes of a cladding of an optical fiber. We experimentally demonstrated the possibility to transmit pulses as far as several millimeters along the fiber axis and have measured their propagation speed. We have also utilized the pulse excitation for time domain reflectometry to measure a distance between the excitation point and the fiber cleave.