
Diffusing Surfaces Impact on Backscatter Communication System
Document Type
2022 1st International Conference on 6G Networking (6GNet) 6G Networking (6GNet), 2022 1st International Conference on. :1-8 Jul, 2022
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
6G mobile communication
Wireless communication
Analytical models
Closed-form solutions
ambient backscatter
In an ambient backscatter communication system, the waves generated by a source are reflected by a tag, in a variable manner in time. Therefore, the tag can transmit a message to a reader, without generating any radio wave and without battery. As a consequence, such a communication system is a promising technology for ultra-low energy wireless communications. In the simplest implementation of such a system, the tag sends a binary message by oscillating between two states and the reader detects the bits by comparing the two distinct received powers. In this paper, for the first time, we propose to analyze the impact of the shape of diffusing flat panel surfaces that diffuse in all directions, on an ambient backscatter communication system. We establish the analytical closed form expression of the power contrast in the presence of flat panels, by considering a rectangular surface and a circular surface, and we show that diffusing surfaces improve the power contrast. Moreover our approach allows us to express the contrast to noise ratio, and therefore to establish the BER performance. Furthermore, we show that it makes it possible to improve the energetic performance, thanks to diffusing surfaces.