
Towards a Modular RISC-V Based Many-Core Architecture for FPGA Accelerators
Document Type
IEEE Access Access, IEEE. 8:148812-148826 2020
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Computing and Processing
Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
Engineering Profession
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
General Topics for Engineers
Nuclear Engineering
Photonics and Electrooptics
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
Field programmable gate arrays
Open source software
Memory management
Many-core architecture
parallel computing
network-on-chip (NoC)
field programmable gate array (FPGA)
reconfigurable computing
Multi-/Many-core architectures are emerging as scalable, high-performance and energy-efficient computing platforms suitable for a variety of application domains from edge to cloud computing. Recently, the appearance of RISC-V open-source ISA creates new possibilities to develop customized computing platforms with high savings in the non-recurring engineering costs. Moreover, the current trends toward open-source hardware frameworks are aimed to reduce design time and cost for complex system-on-chip architectures. Therefore, modularity and re-usability of hardware components are major challenges for flexible hardware architectures. The motivation behind this work is to introduce a modular cluster-based many-core architecture for FPGA accelerators that is re-usable and flexible tailored to implement different many-core taxonomies with less design time and costs by using regular and replicated sets of computing, memory, and interconnection blocks. The proposed many-core architecture is built using multiple processing clusters coupled with a NoC for communication which allows a high degree of design scalability. The processing cluster inside features a configurable multi-core architecture consisting of multiple RISC-V processing elements (PE) tightly coupled with a bus-based interconnection for intra-cluster communication using parameterized scratchpad shared memory. Each PE features a single RISC-V core with a tightly coupled parameterized scratchpad local memory and generic AXI interface. Evaluation results demonstrate that the proposed architecture features a scalable computing performance of 501 MOp/s for 4 clusters and 878 MOp/s for 8 clusters. Moreover, a scalable memory bandwidth up to 4.3 GB/s is achieved for 9 clusters with a power consumption of 1.4 W per cluster utilizing 7.7% of on-chip memory resources. The many-core architecture is implemented and evaluated on Xilinx Virtex Ultrascale+ with the feature of changing the architecture configurations during run-time using dynamic and partial reconfiguration which provides more flexibility and re-usability.