
Simulation of saddle coil and helical winding magnetic field perturbation in the IR-T1 tokamak
Document Type
2014 IEEE 41st International Conference on Plasma Sciences (ICOPS) held with 2014 IEEE International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams (BEAMS) Plasma Sciences (ICOPS) held with 2014 IEEE International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams (BEAMS), 2014 IEEE 41st International Conference on. :1-1 May, 2014
Computing and Processing
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Magnetic confinement
Magnetic resonance
Toroidal magnetic fields
The magnetic field of a set of saddle coils compared to the magnetic field of the helical winding coil on IR-T1 tokamak in a simulation method. The equation of helical windings that they mounted on vacuum chamber in a spiral modes (L=2, n=1) and (L=3, n=1), where L represents the number of toroidal rounds, and n represents the direction of the poloidal round, using Green function has been calculated, too. The coordinate system defined on a torus and an electric current applied to create a magnetic field and the magnetic field of resonant helical magnetic field disorders of the confinement were calculated in the whole space. In this study, the shape and structure of the Saddle coils has been defined toroidally and then poloidally configuration. The resulting simulation code is used to predict the position and structure of saddle coil that has same magnetic field generation with respect to Helical winding. The result of simulation has been shown in figures a, b and c for helical winding coil, L=2 RHF coil and Saddle coils field generation respectively.