
An Emperical ALAL YSIS of Level of Quality in Sustainalbe Smart Grids
Document Type
2023 International Conference on Power Energy, Environment & Intelligent Control (PEEIC) Power Energy, Environment & Intelligent Control (PEEIC), 2023 International Conference on. :1279-1284 Dec, 2023
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
General Topics for Engineers
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Signal Processing and Analysis
Text analysis
5G mobile communication
Power quality
Smart grids
Internet of Things
Artificial intelligence
Power Quality
Smart Grids
Distributed Generation
Renewable Energy
5G Networks
Internet of Things (IoT)
Artificial Intelligence
Signal Processing
PQ Disturbances and Optimization Techniques
The increasing importance of power quality (PQ) concerns is discussed in this study in light of distributed generation, smart grid technologies, and integration of renewable energy supplies, as well as rising consumer awareness. It highlights how important PQ is in light of the widespread use of smart grid technologies and the development of delicate electrical devices. In order to improve smart grid applications, the combination of 5G networks with the Internet of Things (IoT) being investigated. These networks provide advantages in high-speed data transmission, distant sensing, and smart sensor interfacing. This paper's main goal is to provide an extensive overview of power quality disturbance detection and categorization. The study explores artificial intelligence technologies and signal processing approaches, evaluating the benefits and drawbacks of each. The power input signal kinds (synthetic, real, and noisy), pre-processing tools, feature selection strategies, artificial intelligence algorithms, and operating modes (online vs offline) are all taken into consideration when critically analyzing automatic recognition systems. In addition, the study provides ideas for future developments and serves as a useful reference for scholars who are interested in PQ analysis. After reviewing more than 300 research articles, the study summarizes the most important studies in the subject and provides in-depth comparisons using tabular presentations.