
Decentralized Identity Management Using Blockchain
Document Type
2022 4th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N) Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N), 2022 4th International Conference on. :1985-1991 Dec, 2022
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Computing and Processing
Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
Engineering Profession
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
General Topics for Engineers
Photonics and Electrooptics
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
Data privacy
File systems
Information sharing
Identity management is the process of setting and organizing the roles and access privileges of a user’s identity. The current identity management system is centralized and is controlled by a single entity. Users’ privacy concerns are not in their best interest. Users have very little to no control over their data. The centralized system becomes a single point of failure which is prone to attack that leads to users losing their data privacy if these centralized systems are breached. Therefore we propose a Blockchain-based decentralized Identity Management System that makes use of self-sovereign identity, decentralized identifiers, and verifiable credentials. It also gives users the ability to choose from a very large number of identity providers instead of just a select few corporations. The main advantages of the proposed solution include the elimination of the need for a central authority for identity verification and identity data management, the reduction of time spent on identity verification, the ability to share data with permission, and the ability to verify the origin of the data while sharing.