
Xtream-fit: an energy-delay efficient data memory subsystem for embedded media processing
Document Type
Proceedings 2003. Design Automation Conference (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37451) Design automation conference Design Automation Conference, 2003. Proceedings. :137-142 2003
Computing and Processing
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Streaming media
Random access memory
Space exploration
Algorithm design and analysis
Application software
Design methodology
Energy conservation
In this paper, we propose a novel special-purpose data memory subsystem, called Xtream-fit, aimed at achieving high-energy-delay efficiency for streaming media applications. A key novelty of Xtream-fit is that it exposes a single customization parameter, thus enabling a very simple and yet effective design space exploration methodology. A second key contribution of this work is the ability to achieve very high energy-delay efficiency through a synergistic combination of: (1) special purpose memory subsystem components, namely, a streaming memory and scratch-pad memory; and (2) a novel task-based execution model that exposes/enhances opportunities for efficient prefetching and aggressive dynamic energy conservation techniques targeting on-chip and off-chip memory components. Extensive experimental results show that Xtream-fit reduces energy-delay product by 46% to 83%, as compared to general-purpose memory subsystems enhanced with state of the art cache decay and SDRAM power mode control policies.