
Experiments on the Recirculating Planar Magnetron with Coaxial All-Cavity Extraction
Document Type
2020 IEEE 21st International Conference on Vacuum Electronics (IVEC) Vacuum Electronics (IVEC), 2020 IEEE 21st International Conference on. :69-70 Oct, 2020
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Microwave measurement
Microwave integrated circuits
Power measurement
Computational modeling
Microwave devices
Vacuum electronics
high power microwaves
relativistic magnetron
all-cavity extraction
Calibrated microwave power measurements are presented for the Recirculating Planar Magnetron with Coaxial-All-Cavity Extraction (RPM-CACE). Experimental results are compared with computational predictions using the particle-in-cell code ICEPIC. The RPM-CACE was designed using extensive simulation and optimization to demonstrate the RPM concept, and was simulated to operate at 1.89 GHz and produce peak powers of $\sim 400$ MW at 50-70% efficiency. The experiment utilizes a novel coaxial extraction system to minimize the total diameter of the device.