
Forest Fire Control with Learning from Demonstration and Reinforcement Learning
Document Type
2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2020 International Joint Conference on. :1-8 Jul, 2020
Computing and Processing
General Topics for Engineers
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
Learning (artificial intelligence)
Approximation algorithms
Mathematical model
Neural networks
Heating systems
Reinforcement learning
Multilayer perceptrons
Forest fire control
This paper describes a novel approach to control forest fires in a simulated environment using connectionist reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms. A forest fire simulator is introduced that allows to benchmark several popular model-free RL algorithms that are combined with multilayer perceptrons that serve as a value function approximator. For our experiments, we test in total four different algorithms: Q-Learning, SARSA, Dueling Q-Networks and a novel algorithm called Dueling-SARSA. To enable the algorithms to better cope with the difficulty to contain the forest fires when they start learning, we use demonstration data that is inserted in an experience-replay memory buffer before learning. In the experiments, the performance of these algorithms are compared under different experimental setups ranging from the complexity of the simulated environment to how much demonstration data is initially given. The results show that the demonstration data are necessary to learn very good policies for controlling the forest fires in our simulator and that the novel Dueling-SARSA algorithm performs best. Furthermore, the results indicate that the used on-policy algorithms are better able to use the demonstration data than the off-policy algorithms.