
Quality Analysis and Application of Ground-Based Microwave Radiometer Data
Document Type
2019 International Conference on Meteorology Observations (ICMO) Meteorology Observations (ICMO), 2019 International Conference on. :1-4 Dec, 2019
Computing and Processing
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
Signal Processing and Analysis
Microwave radiometry
Microwave measurement
Microwave filters
Temperature distribution
Microwave amplifiers
Vbb_nd value
relative humidity
unstable stratification
This paper analyzes the detection principle of microwave radiometers and the composition of base data, and introduces a new method to measure data reliability, i.e., to measure the stability of the voltage value based on the lv0 data shear. Through continuous analysis of stability of the Vbb_nd value as well as comparison and analysis of data obtained during the good and poor time periods, it was shown that there is a positive correlation between the stability of the voltage value based on the lv0 data shear and the accuracy of the product. Temperature products are more consistent with the sounding data than humidity products. Meanwhile, in this paper, the relative humidity and unstable stratification data inversed from the observation data obtained from microwave radiometers between July 2017 and August 2018 at the Huaian National Benchmark Meteorological Station are used to comparatively analyze the characteristics of the data observed by the microwave radiometer prior to the short-time rainstorm process. The relative humidity of the entire 0-6KM shear observed by the microwave radiometer was nearly saturated or saturated within 1 hour prior to rainfall. Before the occurrence of rainfall, the transition of relative humidity from unsaturated to saturated or nearly saturated state usually indicates the start of the rainfall process. Before the occurrence of short-term heavy precipitation, the atmospheric stratification is usually in an unstable state with the maximum K index exceeding 40 and the maximum TT index exceeding 50, which are closely related to the occurrence and development of rainfall.