
COTS based high data throughput acquisition system for a real-time reflectometry diagnostic
Document Type
2010 17th IEEE-NPSS Real Time Conference Real Time Conference (RT), 2010 17th IEEE-NPSS. :1-7 May, 2010
Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
Nuclear Engineering
Field programmable gate arrays
Phase locked loops
Data processing
Random access memory
Position control
Data acquisition
high throughput
real-time diagnostics
Achieving higher levels of plasma performance control in present fusion experiments requires that diagnostics be upgraded to deliver processed physical parameters in real-time (RT). A key element in a diagnostic RT upgrade is the data acquisition system (DAS), that should be capable of delivering the acquired data to the data processing resources with very low latencies and in the shortest possible time. Adequate standard commercial solutions with these characteristics are not easily found in the market, what leads most of the times to the development of complex custom high-performance designs from ground-up. A mixed solution, partially based on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components, is under development to upgrade the existing ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) broadband reflectometry diagnostic so that a full demonstration of plasma position control using RT reflectometry density profile measurements can be performed. The 8-channel (12-bit/100 MSPS) DAS being designed features a PCI Express (PCIe) x8 interface to enable direct memory access (DMA) data transfers with throughputs in excess of 1 GB/s. The use of COTS components resulted in a faster hardware design cycle without compromising system performance and flexibility. The architecture of the system and its main design constraints as well as the system integration in the AUG RT diagnostic network are herein discussed. Preliminary benchmark results for data throughput and overall measurement latency are also presented.