
IEEE EMBS International Student Conferences —Insights From 2022 Editions
Document Type
IEEE Pulse Pulse, IEEE. 13(6):29-32 Jan, 2022
Computing and Processing
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Student members within IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) are one of the most active segments among all other membership levels. Student-led initiatives all around the world have shown the necessity to give students the opportunity to present solutions to educational challenges, aiming to make the learning of young people an enriching and continuous experience while honing their organizational skills. IEEE EMBS SAC [1], formed under vice president for member and student activities, has taken the responsibility to initiate and implement programs for undergraduate and graduate student members of the society. One of these programs, IEEE EMBS ISC, is the flagship event under the oversight of the Professional Development Portfolio. The purpose of the ISCs is to help students learn to manage an IEEE-style conference in a low-pressure environment and improve on their soft skills like leadership, communication, teamwork, and project management. Moreover, it gives them a platform to practice giving and receiving peer feedback on scientific writing and presentations, as well as making international connections which could turn into future collaborations.