
Test Data Generation for Mutation Testing Based on Markov Chain Usage Model and Estimation of Distribution Algorithm
Document Type
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering IIEEE Trans. Software Eng. Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 50(3):551-573 Mar, 2024
Computing and Processing
Markov processes
Software algorithms
Genetic algorithms
Data models
Mutation testing
weak mutation
test data generation
Markov chain usage model
coverage of extended path
estimation of distribution algorithm
Mutation testing, a mainstream fault-based software testing technique, can mimic a wide variety of software faults by seeding them into the target program and resulting in the so-called mutants. Test data generated in mutation testing should be able to kill as many mutants as possible, hence guaranteeing a high fault-detection effectiveness of testing. Nevertheless, the test data generation can be very expensive, because mutation testing normally involves an extremely large number of mutants and some mutants are hard to kill. It is thus a critical yet challenging job to find an efficient way to generate a small set of test data that are able to kill multiple mutants at the same time as well as reveal those hard-to-detect faults. In this paper, we propose a new approach for test data generation in mutation testing, through the novel applications of the Markov chain usage model and the estimation of distribution algorithm. We first utilize the Markov chain usage model to reduce the so-called mutant branches in weak mutation testing and generate a minimal set of extended paths. Then, we regard the problem of generating test data as the problem of covering extended paths and use an estimation of distribution algorithm based on probability model to solve the problem. Finally, we develop a framework, TAMMEA, to implement the new approach of generating test data for mutation testing. The empirical studies based on fifteen object programs show that TAMMEA can kill more mutants using fewer test data compared with baseline techniques. In addition, the computation overhead of TAMMEA is lower than that of the baseline technique based on the traditional genetic algorithm, and comparable to that of the random method. It is clear that the new approach improves both the effectiveness and efficiency of mutation testing, thus promoting its practicability.