
A Novel Approach Detection for False Data Injection, and Man in the Middle Attacks in IoT and IIoT
Document Type
2023 IEEE PES GTD International Conference and Exposition (GTD) GTD PES GTD International Conference and Exposition (GTD), 2023 IEEE. :278-282 May, 2023
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Instruction sets
Virtual environments
Smart homes
Mobile handsets
Smart grids
Computer crime
Cyber Security
IoT Security
IIoT Security
Human beings have gone through stages that have made significant contributions to their lives with technological developments. One of the most important of these close to the present day is the introduction of IoTs, and IIoTs into our lives with the industry 4.0 process. From smart homes to smart grids, we are faced with a world that is getting smarter in every aspect of our lives. In this cyber environment where our data, including our personal data, is transferred to the virtual environment, the biggest threat is the attacks that can be made on this existing environment. The biggest methods used by attackers are to exploit the vulnerabilities that the existing system brings in addition to the old vulnerabilities. With the IoT process, there have been very important developments, and all operations can be carried out remotely via mobile phone or computer, such as checking the missing needs in the refrigerator, washing, drying clothes, and even in the most advanced dimension, reducing the temperature if it is too high, or increasing it if it is low, without people coming to their homes, and with these renovations, new types of threads become part of our lives. With this study we focus on one of more dangerous part of these attacks, False Data Injection (FDI), and Men in the Middle (MitM) attacks. With this study we detected MitM, and FDI attacks with success rate of %95 percent.