
Power Side-Channel Leakage Assessment of Reference Implementation of SABER Key Encapsulation Mechanism
Document Type
2022 Opportunity Research Scholars Symposium (ORSS) Opportunity Research Scholars Symposium (ORSS), 2022. :8-11 Apr, 2022
General Topics for Engineers
Quantum computing
Program processors
Power demand
Public key cryptography
Power Side-Channel Analysis
Post Quantum Cryptography
SABER Key Encapsulation Mechanism
Correlation Analysis
Test Vector Leakage Assessment
Traditional public-key cryptographic schemes are soon going to be replaced with Post-Quantum Cryptographic (PQC) schemes to ensure security guarantees in a Quantum Computing-enabled world. While Quantum Computing will help solve many hard problems intractable by classical computing paradigm, it will also compromise the hard problems that traditional cryptographic schemes are built upon. Among the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) finalist PQC schemes, SABER Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) is the only one based on Module Learning With Rounding (LWR). In this work, we have investigated the decryption procedure of SABER KEM to identify leakages in power consumption traces for the reference implementation running on an ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller by correlating the trace samples with the decrypted message bytes, and by performing a Test Vector Leakage Assessment (TVLA). Both assessment techniques indicate that the incremental-storage steps in the reference implementation might allow an adversary to reveal information about the message and/or secret key.