
Photorealistic Rapid Computer-Generated Holography Employing an Enhanced Path Tracing Technique With Sequence Generated Trial
Document Type
IEEE Photonics Journal IEEE Photonics J. Photonics Journal, IEEE. 15(5):1-12 Oct, 2023
Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
Photonics and Electrooptics
Ray tracing
Computational modeling
Point cloud compression
Light sources
Rendering (computer graphics)
Computer-generated hologram
light model
parallel computing
path tracing
Fast holographic generation technology depends on the swift creation of computer-generated holograms (CGHs). Currently, the fast generation method of computer-generated holograms based on ray tracing is still based on non-physical ray tracing methods, making it difficult to accurately simulate and generate computer-generated holograms. There is a scarcity of research on employing path tracing to swiftly generate CGH with a minimal computational workload and reduced computation time. To address this issue, we employed physically-based path tracing technique for realistic rendering and made improvements on the bidirectional scattering distribution function (BSDF) and ray sampling methods. We have developed a path tracing technique based on improved BSDF and single ray sampling to generate CGHs with realism. In comparison to conventional point cloud and ray tracing methods, the path tracing approach employs distinct shading rendering and lighting models to enhance a scene's sense of realism and generate CGHs rapidly. Our proposed technique takes approximately 10 ms to generate CGHs in various scenes, and the reconstructed images featuring photorealistic appearances are produced through optical reconstruction experiments. This novel method offers an efficient solution for generating CGHs and we attempted to generate a sequence using our method, applying our method to rapidly generate CGH videos.