
Telemedical Robot Using IoT with Live Supervision and Emergency Alert
Document Type
2023 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Social Networking (ICPCSN) ICPCSN Pervasive Computing and Social Networking (ICPCSN), 2023 3rd International Conference on. :1327-1331 Jun, 2023
Computing and Processing
Human-robot interaction
Medical services
Robot sensing systems
Telemedicine robot
customizable sensor module
A highly qualitative service is required for monitoring and assisting the remote patients as the telemedicine industry soars to new heights. When patients are far, doctors find it challenging to interact with them and diagnose their health conditions. In addition, individuals find it challenging to administer injections on their own in an emergency. This project provides a design for a medical assistance, real-time monitoring, and injection robot as well as human-robot interaction (HRI) in the field of healthcare for a robot known as a Telemedicine robot that runs on an IOT platform. Based on a live video conference and saved in an electronic medical record, it can be utilized for remote diagnostics and injecting patients. The Arduino platform is used for IOT functionality wherein the doctor can command the robot through mobile for locomotion. When necessary, the doctor in the range can deploy a set of sensors to keep an eye on the patient's wellbeing and store the information of the patient in the database and control the robot to put injection. The project emphasizes low cost and modular design with customizable sensor modules. The IOT capabilities of the Arduino platform allow the doctor to control the robots movement using a mobile device. When necessary, the doctor from a distance can deploy a collection of sensors to keep an eye on the patients wellbeing, save the patients data in a database, and command a robot to administer an injection. The project places a strong emphasis on modularity, cheap cost, and adaptable sensor modules.