
Simulation, synthesis, and verification of pipelined asynchronous VLSI circuits
Document Type
TENCON '97 Brisbane - Australia. Proceedings of IEEE TENCON '97. IEEE Region 10 Annual Conference. Speech and Image Technologies for Computing and Telecommunications (Cat. No.97CH36162) TENCON '97 TENCON '97. IEEE Region 10 Annual Conference. Speech and Image Technologies for Computing and Telecommunications., Proceedings of IEEE. 2:445-448 vol.2 1997
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Computing and Processing
Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Robotics and Control Systems
Network synthesis
Systolic arrays
Power system modeling
Signal synthesis
Signal processing
Streaming media
Energy consumption
Design automation
Systolic arrays are a powerful implementation method for signal, image and video processing algorithms which operate on continuous data streams. While systolic arrays assume a synchronous clocking scheme, similar regular pipelined processing networks can be based on an asynchronous timing model, with resulting advantages in terms of modularity, speed, and power consumption. Unfortunately there is little expertise or CAD support for the system level design of asynchronous pipelined data networks. This paper presents a modelling methodology for these networks based on functions operating on lists of data values, allowing computations to be described in terms of the sequence of data values processed without explicitly assigning times to the individual operations. It describes strategies and accompanying CAD tools for using this methodology for system specification, simulation, verification, and synthesis.