
Raspberry Pi based testbed verifying TrueTime network model parameters for application in distributed active turbulent flow control
Document Type
2014 Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference (SICE) SICE Annual Conference (SICE), 2014 Proceedings of the. :1970-1975 Sep, 2014
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
General Topics for Engineers
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
Real-time systems
Mathematical model
Surface waves
Time measurement
network model
Raspberry Pi
cascade control
distributed actuator and sensor network
The total drag of transport systems such as airplanes, ships and/or trains is primarily determined by friction drag. At high Reynolds numbers (< 10 4 ) transversal surface waves are a promising approach for active drag reduction. For the application in airplanes or ships a large scale distributed real-time actuator and sensor network is required in order to provide a connection between a global flow control and the distributed actuators and sensors. For the development of this network we established a network model based on Simulink and TrueTime. To determine the network- and transmission-parameters for the model we set up a Raspberry Pi based testbed as a physical representation of a first small scale model. Using this testbed the parameters for the TrueTime network model have been retrieved. With this approach we assure a link between the large scale model and the later microcontroller based real time actuator and sensor network for distributed active turbulent flow control.