
Timing measurements from a TOF-PET scanner using local PMT triggering
Document Type
2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2007. NSS '07. IEEE. 6:4123-4128 Oct, 2007
Nuclear Engineering
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
Energy resolution
Photonic crystals
Whole-body PET
Solid scintillation detectors
Nuclear and plasma sciences
Nuclear measurements
Timing jitter
Dark current
Noise reduction
The development of high light output scintillation crystals with fast decay times has made clinical whole body TOF-PET scanners possible. Current clinical systems based on LYSO have timing resolutions near 600ps (FWHM), but considerably better resolution is possible with faster scintillators. Bench top measurements have indicated that the LaBr3 modules used in a proto-type TOF PET scanner should allow for a resolution of 315−330ps. To achieve the best system timing resolution a new “local” triggering scheme has been developed, in which the seven PMTs used for energy and positioning determination are also used to produce a trigger. The electronics use fast components, and have been found to introduce a timing jitter of less than 50ps. The local triggering design reduces the effects of pulse pileup and dark current noise, greatly reducing the degradation of the timing resolution at higher rates. With these new electronics we have achieved a system time resolution of 420ps with little degradation at the rates expected for clinical FDG studies. The combination of the continuous design of our scanner and the local triggering scheme makes this design concept scalable to any configuration of PMTs in a full PET scanner.