
Graphs Drawn With Some Vertices per Face: Density and Relationships
Document Type
IEEE Access Access, IEEE. 12:68828-68846 2024
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Computing and Processing
Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
Engineering Profession
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
General Topics for Engineers
Nuclear Engineering
Photonics and Electrooptics
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
Face recognition
Graph drawing
Computational modeling
Upper bound
Graph theory
Beyond-planar graph drawing
edge density
geometric graph theory
graph visualization
inclusion relationships
Graph drawing beyond planarity is a research area that has received an increasing attention in the last twenty years, driven by the necessity to mitigate the visual complexity inherent in geometric representations of non-planar graphs. This research area stems from the study of graph layouts with forbidden crossing configurations, a well-established subject in geometric and topological graph theory. In this context, the contribution of this paper is as follows: 1) We introduce a new hierarchy of graph families, called $k^{+}$ -real face graphs; for any integer $k \geq 1$ , a graph G is a $k^{+}$ -real face graph if it admits a drawing $\Gamma $ in the plane such that the boundary of each face (formed by vertices, crossings, and edges) contains at least k vertices of G (“ $k^{+}$ ” stands for k or more); 2) We give tight upper bounds on the edge density of $k^{+}$ -real face graphs, namely we prove that n-vertex $1^{+}$ -real face and $2^{+}$ -real face graphs have at most $5n-10$ and $4n-8$ edges, respectively. Furthermore, in a constrained scenario in which all vertices must lie on the boundary of the external face, $1^{+}$ -real face and $2^{+}$ -real face graphs have at most $3n-6$ and $2.5n-4$ edges, respectively; 3) We characterize the complete graphs that admit a $k^{+}$ -real face drawing or an outer $k^{+}$ -real face drawing for any $k \geq 1$ . We also provide a clear picture for the majority of complete bipartite graphs; and 4) We establish relationships between $k^{+}$ -real face graphs and other prominent beyond-planar graph families; notably, we show that for any $k \geq 1$ , the class of $k^{+}$ -real face graphs is not included in any family of beyond-planar graphs with hereditary property.