
Untrustworthy Mobile Node Isolation by Belief Factor in Autonomous Mobile Network
Document Type
2023 2nd International Conference on Edge Computing and Applications (ICECAA) Edge Computing and Applications (ICECAA), 2023 2nd International Conference on. :177-181 Jul, 2023
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Computing and Processing
Robotics and Control Systems
Wireless networks
Packet loss
Quality of service
Ant colony optimization
Autonomous mobile network
Untrustworthy nodes isolation
Belief factor
Node cooperativeness
Threshold value
An Autonomous Mobile Network (AMN) is a wireless network in which no structure is accessible. AMN has significantly assisted in many applications recently. The AMN is often employed in such environments where humans do not exist. Therefore, each mobile node should be understood in case of a malfunction or connection failure between mobile nodes. Ant colony optimization (ACO) techniques have helped to develop AMN routing. An Untrustworthy mobile node Isolation by applying the Belief Factor (UIBF) system to detects the untrustworthy mobile nodes efficiently. The node energy, node cooperativeness, node packet losses, and node delay measures are combined to compute the belief factor. This mechanism uses the ACO algorithm to choose the optimal route from the sender to the recipient. Simulation results evaluate the UIBF approach to provide a better untrustworthy node detection ratio and raise the throughput with minimum network delay.