
Double radio optical resonances in thermal 87Rb vapor
Document Type
Proceedings of the 20th European Frequency and Time Forum Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), 2006 20th European. :253-258 Mar, 2006
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Computing and Processing
Signal Processing and Analysis
Robotics and Control Systems
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Laser transitions
Gas lasers
Laser stability
Optical pumping
Pump lasers
In this paper we compare two different excitation schemes of rubidium gas-cell frequency standard. The first scheme is based on the one laser optical pumping and the second scheme is based on the “two-lasers” optical pumping firstly proposed by J. Deng for light shift compensation. We present stability estimations for both schemes supposing that the gas cell has 15 mb of N 2 and the laser line width is about 100 MHz. Our calculations do not show the expected significant improvement of the stability in the case of “two-lasers” scheme. This result is connected to the broadening of the absorption line. To avoid this broadening one needs to use a buffer gas pressure around 1 mb and a laser line width of 10 MHz or less.