
The role of awareness of mobility offer and nudges in increasing sustainable mobility habits of citizens: a case study from the Munich region
Document Type
2022 IEEE 46th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC) COMPSAC Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 2022 IEEE 46th Annual. :1678-1683 Jun, 2022
General Topics for Engineers
Area measurement
Urban areas
sustainable mobility
behaviour change
public acceptance
public transport
Having an urban modal share that favours the most sustainable mobility forms does not exclusively depend on the infrastructural assets (e.g. bicycle lanes) and the mere existence of mobility services (e.g. sharing mobility services) in a city. In recent years, decision-makers are paying more attention to some intangible aspects such as creating awareness of existing public transport (PT) offers and using different types of nudges to induce a mobility behaviour change. Therefore, this paper attempts to answer the following questions: To what extent and how are awareness and knowledge effective motivators to change habits? What type of incentives can be used to bring about a behaviour change? or rather: which nudge levers can be leveraged to bring about a mobility behaviour change? The authors will illustrate the concepts of behaviour change and nudge and will present results from the pilot case of the Counties of FürstenfeIdbruck, Starnberg, Munich, and Dachau (with a focus on the first one) in Germany where soft measures have been tested to inform citizens about public transport availability. In the case of this pilot, the rapidly growing population has been accompanied by a significant improvement of the local public transport system but not by a corresponding rapid increase in public transport mode share.