
AI-FML Agent for Robotic Game of Go and AIoT Real-World Co-Learning Applications
Document Type
2020 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE) Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 2020 IEEE International Conference on. :1-8 Jul, 2020
Computing and Processing
General Topics for Engineers
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
Machine learning
Fuzzy logic
Knowledge based systems
Intelligent Agent
Fuzzy Machine Learning
Game of Go
In this paper, we propose an AI-FML agent for robotic game of Go and AIoT real-world co-learning applications. The fuzzy machine learning mechanisms are adopted in the proposed model, including fuzzy markup language (FML)-based genetic learning (GFML), eXtreme Gradient Boost (XGBoost), and a seven-layered deep fuzzy neural network (DFNN) with backpropagation learning, to predict the win rate of the game of Go as Black or White. This paper uses Google AlphaGo Master sixty games as the dataset to evaluate the performance of the fuzzy machine learning, and the desired output dataset were predicted by Facebook AI Research (FAIR) ELF Open Go AI bot. In addition, we use IEEE 1855 standard for FML to describe the knowledge base and rule base of the Open Go Darkforest (OGD) prediction platform in order to infer the win rate of the game. Next, the proposed AI-FML agent publishes the inferred result to communicate with the robot Kebbi Air based on MQTT protocol to achieve the goal of human and smart machine co-learning. From Sept. 2019 to Jan. 2020, we introduced the AI-FML agent into the teaching and learning fields in Taiwan. The experimental results show the robots and students can co-learn AI tools and FML applications effectively. In addition, XGBoost outperforms the other machine learning methods but DFNN has the most obvious progress after learning. In the future, we hope to deploy the AI-FML agent to more available robot and human co-learning platforms through the established AI-FML International Academy in the world.