
Stochastic Physics-Informed Deep Generative Network Scenario Generation: Application on Responsive Residential Load Management
Document Type
2023 IEEE International Conference on Energy Technologies for Future Grids (ETFG) Energy Technologies for Future Grids (ETFG), 2023 IEEE International Conference on. :1-6 Dec, 2023
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Recurrent neural networks
Time series analysis
Generative adversarial networks
Demand response
Scenario generation
Convolutional neural networks
gated recurrent neural network
physics-informed based generative adversarial network
residual convolutional neural network
This paper introduces a stochastic model for the optimal residential responsive loads power scheduling considering participants’ satisfaction. In this context, firstly, a physical-informed based generative adversarial network (PI-GAN) network is designed for scenario generation with a high correlation with the actual data. In this network, conventional GANs are improved to learn spatial-temporal features of the residential loads and physics-informed concepts. To realize the spatial feature of the complex and highly nonlinear time series like residential loads, a residual convolutional neural network (Res-CNN) is considered to learn the spatial features, while the fully temporal features are realized by gated recurrent neural networks (GNN). Then, generated scenarios are used to cover the uncertainty associated with residential loads and provide the optimal results for responsive loads, including shiftable and curtailable loads. The numerical results on actual data in London, England, verify the effectiveness of the proposed stochastic framework and superiority by comparison with conditional GAN and improved version of GAN in scenario generations impact of stochastic demand response program.