
Developing a Novel Formulation for Team-Forming Problem of Coverage Problems with a Group of Heterogeneous Mobile Robots: Preliminary Results
Document Type
2023 20th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR) Ubiquitous Robots (UR), 2023 20th International Conference on. :308-312 Jun, 2023
Robotics and Control Systems
Computational efficiency
Mobile robots
Task analysis
Robotic platforms have been involved in our daily life more and more. Lately, this involvement has evolved to deploy a group of robots to do certain tasks such as floor cleaning, search-and-rescue missions, mine cleaning, and similar others. One of the main challenges that arise in such deployments is covering an area (or visiting the whole area) known as a coverage problem. In this paper, we present an approach for a coverage problem with a group of heterogeneous robots. Our approach is motivated by submapping approaches to alleviate the computational cost. Specifically, We discuss the problem of forming robot teams for covering the sub-maps for a given set of robots with different capacities in terms of battery consumption and velocity. We present a teamforming formulation as an optimization problem. We provide its efficiency via preliminary results using simulated data and the obtained results show promising results leaving room for further improvements.