
Dual-Objective Personalized Federated Service System With Partially-Labeled Data Over Wireless Networks
Document Type
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing IEEE Trans. Serv. Comput. Services Computing, IEEE Transactions on. 16(5):3265-3279 Jan, 2023
Computing and Processing
General Topics for Engineers
Data models
Computational modeling
Wireless networks
Technological innovation
Federated learning
Federated learning service system
personalized federated learning service system
personalized services
data labeling services
data classification services
heterogeneous user data
partially-labeled data
similarity ratios
approximation algorithm
Federated learning (FL) emerges to mitigate the privacy concerns in machine learning-based services and applications, and personalized federated learning (PFL) evolves to alleviate the issue of data heterogeneity. However, FL and PFL usually rest on two assumptions: the users’ data is well-labeled, or the personalized goals align with sufficient local data. Unfortunately, the two assumptions may not hold in most cases, where data labeling is costly, or most users have no sufficient local data to satisfy their personalized needs. To this end, we first formulate the problem, DoLP, that studies the issue of insufficient and partially-labeled data on FL-based services. DoLP aims to maximize two service objectives: 1) personalized classification objective and 2) the personalized labeling objective for each user within the constraint of training time over wireless networks. Then, we propose a PFL-based service system DoFed-SPP to solve DoLP. The DoFed-SPP's novelty is two-fold. First, we devise an inference-based first-order approximation metric, similarity ratio, to identify the similarity between users’ local data. Second, we design an approximation algorithm to determine the appropriate size and set of users for uploading in each round. Extensive experiments show DoFed-SPP outperforms the state-of-the-art in final accuracy and time-to-accuracy performance on CIFAR10/100 and DBPedia.