
Dynamic Approach to Scheduling Reconfigurable Scientific Workflows in Heterogeneous HPC Environments
Document Type
2016 10th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS) Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS), 2016 10th International Conference on. :7-14 Jul, 2016
Computing and Processing
Dynamic scheduling
Resource management
Processor scheduling
Energy consumption
Job shop scheduling
scheduling; performance; workflow; monitoring; heuristics; DreamCloud
High Performance Computing infrastructures are getting increasingly heterogeneous, which offers opportunities to the applications in terms of performance improvement. However, the “hardware-concise” heterogeneous resource allocation requires a deep knowledge of the scheduled applications’ characteristics. The challenge is getting more difficult if the scheduler has to balance the optimization policies between the application- and the infrastructure-specific policies, e.g. the overall energy consumption, resource utilization, etc. We introduce a heuristic-based approach to adaptive scheduling, enabled by in-depths monitoring technologies. Our solution is complementary to the native schedulers like Torque or Maui and is open per design and thus can be seamlessly integrated into the core scheduling algorithms.