
FedSwarm: An Adaptive Federated Learning Framework for Scalable AIoT
Document Type
IEEE Internet of Things Journal IEEE Internet Things J. Internet of Things Journal, IEEE. 11(5):8268-8287 Mar, 2024
Computing and Processing
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Adaptation models
Computer architecture
Internet of Things
Performance evaluation
Artificial intelligence
Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT)
dynamic per-device server selection
federated learning (FL)
local update adaptation
Federated learning (FL) is a key solution for datadriven the Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT). Although much progress has been made, scalability remains a core challenge for real-world FL deployments. Existing solutions either suffer from accuracy loss or do not fully address the connectivity dynamicity of FL systems. In this article, we tackle the scalability issue with a novel, adaptive FL framework called FedSwarm, which improves system scalability for AIoT by deploying multiple collaborative edge servers. FedSwarm has two novel features: 1) adaptiveness on the number of local updates and 2) dynamicity of the synchronization between edge devices and edge servers. We formulate FedSwarm as a local update adaptation and perdevice dynamic server selection problem and prove FedSwarm‘s convergence bound. We further design a control mechanism consisting of a learning-based algorithm for collaboratively providing local update adaptation on the servers’ side and a bonus-based strategy for spurring dynamic per-device server selection on the devices’ side. Our extensive evaluation shows that FedSwarm significantly outperforms other studies with better scalability, lower energy consumption, and higher model accuracy.