
SBRPV: Security Based Routing Protocol for Vehicular Ad hoc Networks
Document Type
2019 4th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK) Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK), 2019 4th International Conference on. :745-750 Sep, 2019
Computing and Processing
Signal Processing and Analysis
Vehicular Adhoc Networks
hierarchical architecture
Security and privacy are one of the most challenging issues related to the deployment of the Vehicular Ad hoc Networks. Different security proposals have been introduced to address the security of the data those are reliant on the centralized architecture based solutions along with the popular hardware based security techniques. In this proposal the existing state-of-the-art diverse security based solutions have analyzed which leads to the research gap analysis. Authors have presented new secure certificate based scheme to address several obtainable problems. We have proposed a hierarchical architecture for VANET. This proposal deals with the certificate based authentication mechanism which is executed on user request. The unique message identifier technique has taken a pivot role for avoiding the message deception. The proposed SBRPV technique is used to accomplish privacy and traceability, besides, satisfying elementary security requirements.