
Evaluation Goals for Online Process Mining: A Concept Drift Perspective
Document Type
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing IEEE Trans. Serv. Comput. Services Computing, IEEE Transactions on. 15(4):2473-2489 Aug, 2022
Computing and Processing
General Topics for Engineers
Real-time systems
Memory management
Service computing
Data mining
Adaptation models
Analytical models
Online process mining
event stream
requirements and goals
concept drift
Online process mining refers to a class of techniques for analyzing in real-time event streams generated by the execution of business processes. These techniques are crucial in the reactive monitoring of business processes, timely resource allocation and detection/prevention of dysfunctional behavior. Many interesting advances have been made by the research community in recent years, but there is no consensus on the exact set of properties these techniques have to achieve. This article fills the gap by identifying a set of evaluation goals for online process mining and examining their fulfillment in the state of the art. We discuss parameters and techniques regulating the balance between conflicting goals and outline research needed for their improvement. Concept drift detection is crucial in this sense but, as demonstrated by our experiments, it is only partially supported by current solutions.