
Platform Architecture for Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation based on Serious Videogames
Document Type
2019 E-Health and Bioengineering Conference (EHB) E-Health and Bioengineering Conference (EHB), 2019. :1-4 Nov, 2019
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Computing and Processing
Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
Signal Processing and Analysis
serious videogames
phisical rehabilitation
musculoskeletal system
motion capture
Physical rehabilitation refers to the recovery of human capacity for the autonomous performance of daily activities based on an evaluation and treatment leading to minimizing problems in neuromotor function. This is a process that takes time, constant support and the making of appropriate decisions by health professionals, but above all the motivation of the patient. To this end, the architecture of a web platform integrated with serious videogames and a motion capture system to support the process of musculoskeletal rehabilitation is proposed. A review of the literature with therapeutic proposals for the rehabilitation of the upper limb using videogames and motion capture systems is presented. The results obtained showed that some works focus on the use of Kinect as a motion capture system; others are commercial systems; and other proposals explore the advantages of inertial measurement units. Regarding the use of videogames, the works reaffirm the significant contribution that they make in rehabilitation processes of the neuromotor system. Taking the above into consideration, an architecture for a telerehabilitation platform is proposed as a motivating alternative, which offers precise physiotherapeutic information in real time, as an attempt to help accelerating recovery time of patients.