
Evaluating Customization of Remote Tele-operation Interfaces for Assistive Robots
Document Type
2023 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2023 32nd IEEE International Conference on. :1633-1640 Aug, 2023
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Computing and Processing
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
Assistive robots
Complexity theory
Task analysis
Mobile manipulator platforms, like the Stretch RE1 robot, make the promise of in-home robotic assistance feasible. For people with severe physical limitations, like those with quadriplegia, the ability to tele-operate these robots themselves means that they can perform physical tasks they cannot otherwise do themselves, thereby increasing their level of independence. In order for users with physical limitations to operate these robots, their interfaces must be accessible and cater to the specific needs of all users. As physical limitations vary amongst users, it is difficult to make a single interface that will accommodate all users. Instead, such interfaces should be customizable to each individual user. In this paper we explore the value of customization of a browser-based interface for tele-operating the Stretch RE1 robot. More specifically, we evaluate the usability and effectiveness of a customized interface in comparison to the default interface configurations from prior work. We present a user study involving participants with motor impairments $(\mathrm{N}=10)$ and without motor impairments, who could serve as a caregiver, $(\mathrm{N}=13)$ that use the robot to perform mobile manipulation tasks in a real kitchen environment. Our study demonstrates that no single interface configuration satisfies all users’ needs and preferences. Users perform better when using the customized interface for navigation, but not for manipulation due to higher complexity of learning to manipulate through the robot. All participants are able to use the robot to complete all tasks, and participants with motor impairments believe that having the robot in their home would make them more independent.