
A Recommendation Algorithm for University Master Tutors Based on Machine Learning
Document Type
2022 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2022 IEEE. :989-997 Mar, 2022
Computing and Processing
Engineering Profession
General Topics for Engineers
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
Computer science
Machine learning algorithms
Engineering profession
Computational modeling
Data preprocessing
educational data mining
machine learning
postgraduate studies
master tutor recommendation
Master tutors are important guides in the academic career of postgraduate students, so find and choose a suitable tutor is very important. However, the existing master tutor selection mode has many problems such as information asymmetry, which makes it difficult for students to make the most appropriate choice. With the construction of smart campus, more and more educational data are recorded, which makes it possible to conduct Educational Data Mining. In this paper, master tutors and students were respectively modeled, a master tutor recommendation method based on machine learning algorithms, such as TF-IDF, kNN and SVDCF was introduced. A real data set of our university was built and preprocessed. Specific recommendation algorithms were then designed. Experiments were conducted and acceptable Top-N hit rate results were achieved. The experimental results show that based on the modeling of students and master tutors, a lightweight combination of machine learning algorithms can achieve good practical results.