
CNNs Avoid the Curse of Dimensionality by Learning on Patches
Document Type
IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing IEEE Open J. Signal Process. Signal Processing, IEEE Open Journal of. 4:233-241 2023
Signal Processing and Analysis
Task analysis
Image classification
Neural networks
Upper bound
Feature extraction
A priori analysis
convolutional neural networks
curse of dimensionality
generalization error
Despite the success of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in numerous computer vision tasks and their extraordinary generalization performances, several attempts to predict the generalization errors of CNNs have only been limited to a posteriori analyses thus far. A priori theories explaining the generalization performances of deep neural networks have mostly ignored the convolutionality aspect and do not specify why CNNs are able to seemingly overcome curse of dimensionality on computer vision tasks like image classification where the image dimensions are in thousands. Our work attempts to explain the generalization performance of CNNs on image classification under the hypothesis that CNNs operate on the domain of image patches. Ours is the first work we are aware of to derive an a priori error bound for the generalization error of CNNs and we present both quantitative and qualitative evidences in the support of our theory. Our patch-based theory also offers explanation for why data augmentation techniques like Cutout, CutMix and random cropping are effective in improving the generalization error of CNNs.