
Artistic Exploration of Stop-Motion Animation in Virtual Reality: Spatializing the Analog Techniques of 2D Replacement and Object Animation by Using Digital Cutout and Realtime Rendering
Document Type
2023 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW) VRW Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), 2023 IEEE Conference on. :7-12 Mar, 2023
Computing and Processing
Three-dimensional displays
Virtual reality
User interfaces
Rendering (computer graphics)
Haptic interfaces
Virtual Reality
Stop-Motion Animation
Art-Based Research
Multiplane Camera
Virtual Live Performance
Spatiality in Virtual Environments
Human-centered computing-Human computer interaction (HCI)-Interaction paradigms-Virtual reality
Applied computing-Arts and humanities-Media arts
The art-based research project VRinMotion explores the implemen-tation of analog stop-motion animation in virtual reality. ExperiMotion 1, the first of four workshops, focused on 2D replacement and object animation in VR, presenting a unique challenge in creating a 3D virtual space with flat animation techniques. The research team discussed and artistically tested various new ideas and methods focusing, i.a., on haptic properties and the role of stop-motion loops. Furthermore, it developed frameworks in Unity3D and TouchDe-signer for prototyping and implementing the project requirements. Finally, the team explored how the use of sound may improve spatial perception in VR and how separating the artistic process into dis-tinct modules allows several individuals to collaborate on the same project.