
A neural architecture applied to the enhancement of noisy binary images without prior knowledge
Document Type
[1990] Proceedings of the 2nd International IEEE Conference on Tools for Artificial Intelligence Tools for Artificial Intelligence, 1990.,Proceedings of the 2nd International IEEE Conference on. :699-705 1990
Computing and Processing
Subspace constraints
Image edge detection
Computer architecture
Computer networks
Pattern recognition
Image processing
Image segmentation
Parallel processing
The authors present the formulation of an improved neural architecture, a modified adaptive resonance theory (ART), for the enhancement of binary images in the presence of noise. The two-layer ART model developed by G.A. Carpenter and S. Grossberg (1987) is further incorporated into a four-layer network. The operation and performance of ART1 in classifying binary input patterns is first investigated. Based on ART1, a noise filtering architecture is devised whereby preestablished recognition categories are used as region or contour detection exemplars in order to fill in the gaps and smooth the contours of a noisy binary image without any prior knowledge of the image itself.ETX