
Interactive simulation of LEB commissioning procedure on a HYPERCUBE parallel computer
Document Type
Proceedings of International Conference on Particle Accelerators Particle accelerator Particle Accelerator Conference, 1993., Proceedings of the 1993. :128-130 vol.1 1993
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
Nuclear Engineering
Robotics and Control Systems
Automatic control
Computational modeling
Life estimation
Automatic testing
Supervisory control
Analytical models
Information analysis
Computer displays
It is desirable that an interactive simulation of accelerator operation be developed in order to write and test commissioning, correction, supervisory control, closed loop control, optimization and automation code prior to machine construction. The simulator should produce realistic diagnostic information, analyze and display the information at a workstation, accept operator input, and react appropriately. Such a system has been developed by the Accelerator System Control Simulator Collaboration to model the Low Energy Booster (LEB). The system is implemented on a 64 node INTEL ISPC/860 parallel computer which operates at approximately 600 Mflops. The simulator can track 512 particles on 32 nodes at 1 turn per second using an element by element symplectic integrator based on the TEAPOT algorithm. An operator interface has been implemented on a SUN Space 2 workstation operating as a client to a VME based 68040 processor board running VxWorks real time operating system. Data display and operator input utilize the operator interface routines in the EPICS control system. Data access between the SPARC Card and the HYPERCUBE is accomplished currently with an interprocess connection. Simulation of the interactive closed smoothing process will be shown.ETX