
Head Rotation Model for Virtual Reality System Level Simulations
Document Type
2021 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM) ISM Multimedia (ISM), 2021 IEEE International Symposium on. :43-49 Nov, 2021
Computing and Processing
Wireless communication
Solid modeling
Analytical models
Virtual reality
Probability density function
Gaussian distribution
Virtual and augmented reality
Multimedia datasets and open source code for research
360-degree video streaming
Mobile systems
Wireless millimeter wave and free-space optical networking
Sensor networks
Virtual Reality (VR) promises immersive experiences in diverse areas such as gaming, entertainment, education, healthcare, and remote monitoring. In VR environments, users can navigate 360-degree content by moving or looking around in all directions, by rotating their heads, as in real life. A rapid head rotation can corrupt the wireless link, degrading the user experience. Due to the lack of proper head rotation models, testbeds are usually required to analyze VR systems. In this paper, we propose an open source code package that generates realistic head rotation traces. The code package is based on a simple, yet flexible, time-correlated mathematical model, which is extrapolated from a publicly available VR head rotation measurement-based dataset. We show that the probability density function of head rotation pitch and roll angles can be modeled as Gaussian distributions, while the probability density function of yaw angles can be modeled as a Gaussian mixture distribution. To introduce temporal correlation, we extrapolate the power spectral density of the angular processes, which are modeled with a bi-exponential decay. Finally, we show how the model can support and accelerate the design of future VR systems by proposing the analysis of a distributed Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) system and the design of a situational awareness Machine Learning (ML) based beamforming training for millimeter wave networks.