
Organ Simulation and Healthcare Services: An Application of IoT
Document Type
2021 6th International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT) Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT), 2021 6th International Conference on. :205-208 Jan, 2021
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Computing and Processing
Robotics and Control Systems
Wireless sensor networks
Sensor systems
Internet of Things
Biomedical monitoring
Artificial intelligence
Medical diagnostic imaging
Internet of Things (IoT)
Heath Care
Heath Monitoring
Organ Simulation
Organ-on Chip
With the constant evolution of wireless sensors and networks, IoT is a new revolution of the Internet, a developing research area, especially in health care. It is several open intelligence devices. The IoT-based extensive medical system can develop error-free medical data and alerts in critical medical emergencies. IoT has an immense impact on healthcare, education, society, and everywhere in our day to day life. IoT in medical advancements has many benefits, including cost reduction, drop-in hospital expenses, human resource costs. Many individuals live in remote areas and do not have access to medical services due to a lack of healthcare facilities in their region. IoT has made many progressions in developing various sensors and organ-on-chip platforms with integrated microelectronics in organ simulation and medical sciences. Many sensors, such as wearable ECG systems for health and fitness, sensors for health monitoring, and an antenna for power reception from deep tissues for wearable microwave thermometry, had been developed. There has been immense advancement in the healthcare sector that simulates and confirms results with maximum accuracy. In the recent pandemic, IoT has assumed a critical function in forestalling the spread of the illness utilizing remote and far-off innovation, empowering correspondence between the patients and specialists with no actual contact.