
Highly Efficient Fiber Optic Thermal Heating Device Based on Turn-Around-Point Long Period Gratings
Document Type
Journal of Lightwave Technology J. Lightwave Technol. Lightwave Technology, Journal of. 40(3):797-804 Feb, 2022
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Photonics and Electrooptics
Optical fibers
Optical fiber devices
Fiber gratings
Optical fiber dispersion
Optical variables measurement
Core offset
fiber bitaper
fiber Bragg grating
in-fiber core-to cladding coupling methods
long Period Grating
optical fibers
self-heated fiber
thermal efficiency
thermal heating capacity
The use of in-fiber core-to-cladding coupling components for thermal heating purposes has been well assessed in the last decades within the development of fiber optic devices for flow measurements and water thermal conductivity calculation. In these devices, light travelling in the fiber core is transferred into the cladding and absorbed by a metallic layer surrounding the fiber, with the consequent resistive heating generation. Here we demonstrate the use of a Turn-Around-Point (TAP) Long Period Grating (LPG) as resonant core-to-cladding light coupling mechanism for the fabrication of a highly efficient heating device based on metallic coated Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG). A properly designed TAP LPG was fabricated by means of point-to-point UV laser and spliced to a 150 nm thick Au-coated FBG. The heating efficiency characterization of the final device was analyzed, in both air and water, by evaluating the temperature increase in the gold layer surrounding the FBG at incremental values of the injected power. Collected results confirm that the use of LPGs involving the excitation of higher order cladding modes provides an excellent transferring mechanism of the fiber core light into the cladding, which in turn guarantees very high thermal heating efficiency to the final device. Moreover, by comparing such results with the performance of other in-fiber core-to-cladding coupling components already presented in literature, it was found that the TAP LPG-based device exhibits an actuation efficiency 2.5 times greater, thus resulting the most effective and highly performing solution for energy transfer to the metallic overcoat.