
Debugging Hiring: What Went Right and What Went Wrong in the Technical Interview Process
Document Type
2020 IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Society (ICSE-SEIS) ICSE-SEIS Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Society (ICSE-SEIS), 2020 IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on. :71-80 Oct, 2020
Computing and Processing
Software engineering
Social networking (online)
• Software and its engineering
• Social and professional topics→ Computing industry; Employment issues
The typical hiring pipeline for software engineering occurs over several stages—from phone screening and technical on-site interviews, to offer and negotiation. When these hiring pipelines are “leaky,” otherwise qualified candidates are lost at some stage of the pipeline. These leaky pipelines impact companies in several ways, including hindering a company’s ability to recruit competitive candidates and build diverse software teams.To understand where candidates become disengaged in the hiring pipeline—and what companies can do to prevent it—we conducted a qualitative study on over 10,000 reviews on 19 companies from Glassdoor, a website where candidates can leave reviews about their hiring process experiences. We identified several poor practices which prematurely sabotage the hiring process—for example, not adequately communicating hiring criteria, conducting interviews with inexperienced interviewers, and ghosting candidates. Our findings provide a set of guidelines to help companies improve their hiring pipeline practices—such as being deliberate about phrasing and language during initial contact with the candidate, providing candidates with constructive feedback after their interviews, and bringing salary transparency and long-term career discussions into offers and negotiations. Operationalizing these guidelines helps make the hiring pipeline more transparent, fair, and inclusive.